Korčula Cross Media Lab | 22 – 26 September 2014

Korčula Cross Media Lab (KCM Lab) is an international educational and professional networking event dedicated to the use of modern communication technologies associated with creative industries, in order to create new products and services in the tourism industry.

Check out the the review of participant and speaker Simon Staffans from Finland

Cross media the Adriatic way

Some nice impressions of our first Korčula Cross Media Lab on the lovely island. Kudos to Igor Nobilo  Helena Bulaja Madunić  Milan Miletićand his Family Simone Veenstra Dorothea Martin , Willie SchumannCésar López SáenzBabushkeSana VitasTonka Lujanac , Korcula.meKudos also to our SPONSORS: TESTROOM and Michael DunkerNicole Bralo-Dunker, Family Unsworth from Lesic Dimitri Palace, @HTP Hotels, @Croatian Audiovisual Center, the tourism Centers in Korcula and Peljesac, Edita Druskovic And all our great Speakers and participants – AND MY FAMILY Ivana MilinaKovrčava Sue, Šime Milina, Irena PetkovićKsenija Perucic and Konoba Diva Faustina, please add in case I forgot to mention someone… 




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